Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Post 18 - If it ain't working, FIX IT...

Blogging my evolution as an artistic art educator - An art-based experiment...

OK... I am so falling short of my July goal of posting everyday, that I need to do something about it, and I cannot procrastinate any further.

It occurred to me, that when I teach a lesson, it either succeeds pretty well or fails pretty miserably. So, I keep the things that work, and dump the stuff that doesn't... I FIX what is broken!

So, I am going to do something new to get myself interested in blogging everyday. I need a plan, or I won"t do anything.

The plan is to have POST DAY THEMES... (Insert roar of the crowd HERE!)

Each day of the week will be themed differently Thus, lighting a fire underneath my backside, and helping me to plan ahead mentally.

With the wonderfully brilliant help of my friend Ann, I was able to brainstorm and settle on the following themes, which I will commence with starting tomorrow. (New Goal)

MONDAY---Motivation Monday (all things inspirational)

TUESDAY---Technique Tuesday (all things artsy, in a technique and/or material sort of way)

WEDNESDAY---Whatever Wednesday (all things that cannot be categorized, but are share-out worthy)

THURSDAY---Threefold Thursday (all things in 3's... Like 3 favs, 3 themes, 3 steps, etc...)

FRIDAY---Fhoto Friday (all things photographically influenced)

SATURDAY---Small Wonders Saturday (all things art-themed that cause a chuckle)

SUNDAY---Sketchy Sunday (all things in the drawing arena)

Good??... See you tomorrow! (I am ready already... Ha!)

Safety, health, happiness, and peace... Pam

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